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Do I need a TUMMY TUCK or Do I need LIPOSUCTION?

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Many of my patients are surprised to find out they need a tummy tuck in place of, or in addition to liposuction. Here is a quick guide to help. 


Do you have?                                             Yes                                 No 


1. History of full-term pregnancy 


2. Significant weight loss 


3. Presence of stretch marks 


4. BMI between 25 and 35 


If you answered yes to number 1, 2 or 3, a tummy tuck would likely be the best option for you. 


If you answered no to number 4, you are not likely a good candidate for plastic surgery of your abdomen at this time. If you struggle with your weight, a structured weight loss program or bariatric surgery may serve you best before considering your abdominal plastic surgery. 


  • · Keep in mind that a plastic surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has extensive experience in both procedures with successful results. 
  • · Second, based on their assessment, you must be open to the possibility that your surgeon may recommend a different course of action than the one you may have in mind. 
  • · Finally, you must be committed to following all post-surgical instructions, including maintaining a long-term healthy diet and exercise regimen to sustain your results. 


I am happy to answer any questions that you still have. Call my office for a consultation. 


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.